Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Search Ads New format of Ad Display Options
We will provide a new format on the ad display options in spring 2022.
Display Ads Conversion path report and cross-campaign reach report change
We will make some changes and enhancements to the Display Ads conversion path report and cross-campaign reach report.
Display Ads (Auction) additional ad places on partner sites became available
Adding ad places on partner sites that we previously announced in "Display Ads (Auction) Additional ad places on partner sites (Document Number: APIE-FY21-2276)" completed.
Schedule for the year-end and New Year holiday
Yahoo! JAPAN office will be closed during the year-end and New Year holidays.
Search Ads End of old conversion analytics for app download ads
We will end support of the old conversion analytics method that is performed with external ad measurement tools.
Display Ads Audience management feature released
We have released the audience management feature on Display Ads as previously announced in "Display Ads Audience management feature release (Document Number: APIE-FY21-2268)."
Display Ads (Auction) Additional ad places on partner sites
We have changed the release schedule that we announced in "Additional ad places on partner sites (Document Number: APIE-FY21-2200)".
Display Ads (Auction) New auto bidding types released
New auto bidding types of Display Ads (Auction) became available
Display Ads Audience management feature release
Display Ads audience management feature will become available.
Display Ads (Auction) Ad Insertion Rules change for Responsive Ads (Image)
Ad Insertion Rules for Responsive Ads (Image) of Display Ads (Auction) will change.