Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
New help pages of Advertising Data Usage Standards
We opened the help pages of Advertising Data Usage Standards.
Scheduled change of Master Terms and Conditions
We will make some update to the “Master Terms and Conditions.”
Attribution model comparison report starts
We provide the new "attribution model comparison report."
Search Ads adding features on Responsive Ads for Search
We will add some features on Responsive Ads for Search. We will end adding new ads of Extended Text Ads in September 2022.
We will revise Yahoo! JAPAN Ads "Ad Insertion Rules."
Display Ads item names related to delivery settings change and previous indexes end
We changed column names that indicate ad delivery settings for Display Ads. Additionally, we removed previous metrics such as "Impressions (previous)."
Search Ads New format of Ad Display Options released and auto migration schedule
We have started the new format of Ad Display Options as previously announced in "Search Ads New format of Ad Display Options updates (Document Number: APIE-FY21-2341)."
Search Ads Search query data change and closing some data
We will change how the search query data shows for Search Ads. A part of the provision of past data will also close.
Search Ads New format of Ad Display Options updates
We have decided the release schedule of new ad display options as previously announced in "Search Ads New format of Ad Display Options (Document Number: MSCE-FY21-2303)".
Display Ads (Auction) Converting feature to Final URL format
We will provide a feature to convert ads in destination URL format (old) to final URL format.