Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Change in Advertisement Editorial Guidelines
Yahoo! JAPAN Advertisement Editorial Guidelines will be changed.
Display Ads (Auction) New auto bidding types release
We will provide new auto bidding types of Display Ads (Auction).
Display Ads New setting items for ads and some enhancements
We have provided new setting items on ads and implement feature enhancements as previously announced in "New setting items for ads and some enhancements (Document Number: APIE-FY21-2178)."
Display Ads Changes in feed items of the campaign goal "Item list promotion"
We have changed the availability of some parameters in the feed items of the campaign goal "Item list promotion."
Search Ads changes on performance report
We have changed some functions such as performance report on Search Ads.
Search Ads API Change on acquiring operation history
We will change the duration in which the operation history can be acquired on Search Ads API.
Display Ads (Auction) ad delivery to LINE App
We will start ad delivery of some Display Ads (Auction) to LINE App ad placements.
Integration of Yahoo! JAPAN DMP to Yahoo! JAPAN Ads, additional information
We determined the application suspend date and details of integration as previously announced in "Integration of Yahoo! JAPAN DMP to Yahoo! JAPAN Ads (Document Number: APIE-FY21-2237)."
Display Ads Age targeting converting started
The process of age targeting converting to new format has started on October 4, 2021 as previously announced.
Search Ads New auto bidding type released
We have released new auto bidding types on Search Ads standard bidding as previously announced in "Search Ads New auto bidding type postponed (Document Number: APIE-FY21-2231)."