Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Change in character limit of campaign name, ad group name, etc.
We have changed the maximum character limit of components such as campaign names and ad group names on Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads and Display Ads.
Display Ads Conversions for Autobidding changes
Conversion settings for optimization of autobidding will become available by each campaign on Display Ads.
Display Ads (Auction) Custom list linked data type added
We have added the feature to link any user identifier to the custom list of site retargeting.
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v6 release
We will release a new version for Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API.
Search Ads New auto bidding type
We will provide a new auto bidding type on the standard bidding of Search Ads.
Display Ads (Auction) Content keyword targeting released
We have started content keyword targeting as previously announced in "Display Ads (Auction) Content keyword targeting (Document Number: APIE-FY21-2171)."
Additional ad places on partner sites
We will add more ad places for Display Ads on our partner sites.
Display Ads Insertion Rules for Video Ads changes
We will change and delete some part of Insertion Rules for creating video ads on Display Ads.
Carousel Ad on Display Ads (Auction) released
We have started providing Carousel ad on Display Ads (Auction) as previously announced in "Carousel Ad on Display Ads (Auction) (Document Number: APIE-FY21-2180)."
Display Ads (Auction) Loading ads on Timeline changed
We have changed the ad loading timing in the timeline for Display Ads (Auction).