Display Ads (Auction) Geo Targeting enhancement

Document Number: APIE-FY21-2310

Dear customers,

Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

We will provide a new option to specify the target locations on geo
targeting of Display Ads (Auction). Please see the following details.

1. Product:
 Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads (Auction)

2. Schedule:
 April 13, 2022 (Wed)
 *This date is subject to change.

3. Overview:
 Target radius will become available to specify the target location
 on geo targeting feature, adding to the currently provided specifying
 location names.

 [How to use]
 Following two ways will become available as target radius.
 ・Specify the target area by putting a pin on the map
 ・Enter any of the spot name, address, postal code or
  latitude-longitude, then specify the area from suggestions

 Learn more details of steps on the help page that will be ready on
 the release date.

4. Remarks
 ・Can be used in combination with existing target locations
  (prefecture, city, ward and county).

 ・Even if the latitude-longitude is specified, ads will not be
  delivered for areas such as on the sea and abroad.  
5.Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads API:
 Display Ads API will support this enhancement on v8 and later.
 Details is to be confirmed.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Yahoo! JAPAN API support team