Search Ads adding features on Responsive Ads for Search

Document Number: APIE-FY21-2354

Dear customers,

Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.
We will add some features on Responsive Ads for Search. We will end
adding new ads of Extended Text Ads in September 2022.
Please see the following details.

1. Product:
 Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads

2. Adding features on Responsive Ads for Search:
  We will add the following features on Responsive Ads for Search.
  ・Ad Customizer
  ・Output actual performance values by each asset (title, description)
   on the performance report and on the Campaign Management Tool
  We will make another announcement once details are decided.

  Summer 2022
  *More details will be announced later.
  *Schedule may change without prior notice.

3. Ending Extended Text Ads:
  We will end adding new ads of Extended Text Ads.
  Use Responsive Ads for Search after the ending.

 Learn more about Responsive Ads for Search on the following help page.
 What is Responsive Ads for Search 

  End of September, 2022 
  *More details will be announced later.
  *Schedule may change without prior notice.

  ・The ad delivery of Extended Text Ads added before the ending will
  ・Following features of Extended Text Ads can be used even after
   adding ads ends.
   - Output actual performance values on the performance report and
    on the analytics
   - Change Ad Display Settings On or Off

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Yahoo! JAPAN API support team