Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Display Ads Changes on Creating Custom list
We will change the specification on creating a custom list for Display Ads when the linked data type is email address.
Holidays in July and August 2021
We will close our customer support and stop editorial review on national holidays in July and August 2021.
Display Ads (Auction) Removing target list feature scheduled
We have changed the removing target list feature of Site retargeting on Display Ads (Auction).
Changes on Keyword Advice Tool, Call Extensions of Search Ads
We have closed some features of Search Ads and make specification changes on the Keyword advice tool and Call Extensions.
Additional symbols on ads of Display Ads
We have made enhancements of available symbol characters on ads of Display Ads.
Document of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Webinar is now available
The English translation of the document used in our recent "Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Webinar" is now available.
Display Ads (Auction) Content keyword targeting
We will provide content keyword targeting on Display Ads (Auction).
Update: Keyword match type change on Search Ads
We have completed the integration of some match types as previously announced in "Reminder: Search Ads Keyword match type change (Document Number: APIE-FY21-2150)".
Scheduled change of Master Terms and Conditions
We will make some update to the "Master Terms and Conditions."
Enhancements made on Search Ads Dynamic Ads for Search
We will make enhancements on Dynamic Ads for Search.