Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Search Ads Ad Customizer for Responsive Ads for Search and reports by asset released
Ad Customizer for Responsive Ads for Search and reports by asset is now available on Search Ads as previously announced in "Search Ads adding features on Responsive Search Ads and other updates (Document Number: APIE-FY22-2243)."
Document of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Webinar is now available
The English translation of the document used in our recent "Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Webinar" is now available.
Display Ads (Auction) Automatic converting of ads for the destination URL format end
We will perform the automatic converting of ads for the end of destination URL format on Display Ads (Auction).
Display Ads reporting duration expand for Performance data
The reporting duration for Display Ads Performance data has expanded.
Display Ads (Auction) End of creating and editing ads in destination URL format
We have decided the end date of the features for creating and editing ads in destination URL format on Display Ads (Auction) when using API.
Search Ads adding features on Responsive Search Ads and other updates
We have decided the date of adding features and end of adding ads that was previously announced in "Search Ads adding features on Responsive Ads for Search (Document Number: APIE-FY21-2354)."
Search Ads Adding factors to decide ad quality and rating elements of quality index
We have added factors to decide ad quality and rating elements of quality index for Search Ads.
Search Ads Schedule for ending previous format of Display Options
We remind you of the schedule for ending previous format as previously announced in "Search Ads Ad Display Option migration to new format and ending of previous format (Document Number: APIE-FY22-2213)."
Display Ads (Auction) Ad formats delivered in each ad place expansion
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads (Auction) will gradually expand the number of ad formats delivered in each ad place.
Search Ads Postponed automatic migration of the previous autobidding type
We have determined to postpone the automatic migration that was previously announced in "Search Ads Automatic migration of the previous autobidding type (Document Number: APIE-FY22-2222)."