Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Display Ads (Auction) Responsive Ads for Display maximum limit of delivery increased
The number of Responsive Ads for Display that you can turn the delivery settings on within one ad group has changed
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Help new site is now available.
Updated: Display Ads (Auction) Removal of discontinued reporting items
We removed the previous reporting items from the created report templates.
As we recently announced in the "End of support for previous tags," we no longer support Pixel format (previous version) tags in Yahoo! JAPAN Tag Manager.
Display Ads (Auction) Conversions via video view for ad delivery
Conversions via video view on Display Ads (Auction) will change to be used for autobidding and ad quality.
Display Ads (Auction) Modeled conversions
Conversions, that can't be measured due to various regulations, are estimated as "modeled conversions" and used for ad delivery and performance reports.
Specification change in MCC account link
We have added a restriction that limits the number of MCC accounts to which an ad account can be linked with an MCC account when newly linking (account link) an ad account with an MCC account within the same company.
Updated: Display Ads Renew audience targeting
We are planning to renew the audience targeting feature.
Display Ads Changes on ad type names and additional items
We made changes on “ad type” that indicates the type of ads on Display Ads
Search Ads Change on Landing page URL report
The aggregation target of the landing page URL report became the landing page URL that is ultimately display after click on the ad itself or on the display option.