Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Webinar information

Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

We will host an online seminar, Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Webinar, for our API partners.
*The language available for this seminar is Japanese.
This seminar will explain the important changes regarding the base account ID that will be required for API authorization starting with v12 due to the MCC account settings for multiple-level structures.

1. Seminar name
 Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Webinar

2. Schedule
September 27, 2023
 4-5 PM (JST)
*This date is subject to change.

3. Overview

We will give a seminar using Zoom, a web conferencing system, on live.
Scheduled contents:
(1) Road map
 ・Schedule overview of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API
 ・Product road map
(2) Updates for v12
  ・Display Ads
   ・Conversion imports
   ・Changes due to the end of some audience lists
   ・Report exclusions of removed entities
   ・Reports by title and description for Responsive Ads for Display
 ・Search Ads
  ・Seasonality bid adjustment
  ・Shared budgets between campaigns
  ・Ad strength
 ・Display Ads&Search Ads
  ・Multiple-level structure for MCC accounts
  ・Format of change history
(3) Other updates
(4) Q&A Session
   You can ask questions directly to our development team.

 *These contents are subject to change.

4. Who can attend this seminar?
Engineers who develop and manage apps using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API

Recommended to:
 ・Grab ideas for version updates
 ・Ask questions to the Yahoo! Ads API developer team

5. Sign up
 This seminar is free. Sign up in advance using the following form:

 *Sign up individually when more than one person from the same company is attending.
 *Complete the sign-up before the seminar starts.
 *We may close earlier if we reach capacity.

6. Where to join
 Zoom, a web conferencing system
 Download and install it before the seminar.
 Zoom (external website):

Check the email you receive once you've signed up for the webinar URL.
*Don't share the URL with others.

7. Remarks
We will be taking questions in advance of the webinar. Send them through the following link:
*We will take questions on the day of the seminar. We may not be able to answer all the questions.

If you have any questions, contact us.

Best regards,
Yahoo! JAPAN API support team