Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v10 release
We will support Display Ads Audience Discovery (Yahoo! Audience Discovery) and interface unification.
Updated: Display Ads Partial changes in conversion tracking
We reviewed our conversion tracking based on Yahoo! JAPAN’s privacy measures and the results of third-party vendors surveys.
Updated: Display Ads (Auction) End of audience list (rule) and migration
Audience list (rule) of Display Ads (Auction) is scheduled to be closed. Therefore, using audience lists (rule) need to be migrated to the lists with list types either “website visitors” or “app users.”
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Yahoo! JAPAN Business ID downloads are now available
You can now download information on Yahoo JAPAN Ads accounts and the accounts associated with Yahoo! JAPAN Business ID from the Campaign Management Tool.
Updated: Display Ads Release of new audience list and end of current audience list (custom)
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads will start offering new audience lists and end offering audience lists (custom).
We will change our Advertising Editorial Guidelines and Account Review Guidelines.
Search Ads Dynamic Ads for Search Close of the previous page feed
A new page feed format is available in Search Ads API on July 27, 2022 (Wed). The services including closing "reference" in the previous page feed are changed.
Display Ads (Auction) Additional campaign goals for Brand Panel for Smartphone and Prime Cover
Display Ads (Auction) campaign goals "Conversion," "App promotion," "Website traffic," "Video view," and "PayPay Gift" became available for ad placements on Yahoo! JAPAN Brand Panel for Smartphone and Yahoo! JAPAN News Prime Cover.
Year-end and New Year's holidays
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads support will be closed during the year-end of 2022 and the new year of 2023.
Display Ads (Auction) Audience list for app users and conversion tracking for app event
On Display Ads (Auction), we have released the audience list specifically for app users and add the conversion tracking feature for app events other than install.