Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Display Ads (Auction) New image size for "Responsive (image)"
The image size for Display Ads (Auction) “Responsive (image)” became available.
Display Ads Release of advanced matching in conversions
We have released the advanced matching in the conversion setting of Display Ads.
Display Ads (Auction) Change of crawler of item list periodic update
We will change the IP addresses of the crawler used for Dynamic Ads for Display of Display Ads (Auction).
Display Ads Stop data linkage of audience lists (custom) with no results for 100 days
We may stop the data linkage of some audience lists (custom).
Display Ads (Auction) Start of A/B feature test
We released the A/B testing feature available in the Campaign Management Tool.
Scheduled change of Master Terms and Conditions
We will make some update to the "Master Terms and Conditions."
Search Ads Dynamic Ads for Search Started automatic migration to new page feed format
We have started automatic migration to the new page feed format in Dynamic Ads for Search on Search Ads.
Renewal of the Campaign Management Tool for Search Ads
We will renew the Campaign Management Tool for Search Ads.
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v9 released
We have released Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API new version.
Format change of notification emails on product releases
We have changed the email format for release notifications of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.