Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Webinar information
We will hold a “Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Webinar” for our API partners.
Search Ads End of some location options for Geo targeting
For geo targeting in Search Ads, some location options are no longer available.
We changed the frequency of updating your images and video ads in the recommendations.
Display Ads (Auction) Change the upper limit on the target CPA
We have changed the upper limit of the target CPA.
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v11 release
We will change the name of the report items for Search Ads and update the interface to improve recommendations for Display Ads.
Schedule for Tracking parameter "installCallback" to sunset
We have closed the feature of the “installCallback” for tracking parameter.
Search Ads Specification change on the priority of ad delivery for ad display option
We changed the specification on the priority of ad delivery for ad display option.
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Business close schedule for holiday week
Our business will be closed during the Golden Week holidays.
Display Ads End of creating new audience list (custom)
As we previously announced in "Display Ads Release of new audience list and end of current audience list (custom)," specifying audienceListType: "CUSTOM_AUDIENCE" is no longer available when creating a new list (add).
Changes on Display Ads due to the end of GYAO! service
We will stop selling packages of Display Ads (Guaranteed) after the last delivery on March 31, 2023.