Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Display Ads (Auction) Adding LINE VOOM as an ad delivery destination
We added the LINE VOOM ad placement to our ad delivery destination.
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v12 release
MCC account settings becamoe available for multiple-level structure.
Search Ads Renewal of the Campaign Management Tool for Search Ads (Phase 4)
We have renewed the Campaign Management Tool for Search Ads in stages by the end of FY2023.
Search Ads Change of report item names
We have changed some item names, such as for performance reports, due to the renewal of the Campaign Management Tool.
Display Ads (Auction) Ad placements added for content keyword targeting
Ad placements for Display Ads (Auction) were added for content keyword targeting
Display Ads Restrictions on conversion tracking in private browsing on iOS 17
Conversion tracking for Display Ads will no longer be possible if the user has allowed private browsing on Safari in iOS 17.
Display Ads Change of automatic compression pixel size when adding images
We have changed the pixel size for automatic compression when adding images.
Display Ads (Auction) End of audience list (default) and migration
we ended the default audience list.
Display Ads (Auction) Schedule for end of creating new audience list (rule) and end of offering
All audience list (rule) were deleted for Display Ads (Auction).
MCC account settings will be available for multiple-level structure
MCC account settings are available for multiple-level structure