Display Ads End of audience list (custom)


August 24, 2023: The audience list (custom) has ended.
August 8, 2023: We announced this information.


Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads


August 23, 2023


As previously announced in "[Display Ads] Release of new audience list and end of current audience list (custom)," audience list (custom) has ended.
The existing audience lists (custom) is migrated to the audience list (Yahoo! JAPAN Audience Discovery) or the audience list (customer data).
Audience lists that weren't migrated in the preceding automatic migration were automatically migrated to audience list (customer data).


Lists automatically migrated to the audience list (customer data) will show a warning icon indicating that data linkage stopped.

Changes on Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads API

Effected version

All available versions


The following cannot be specified for audienceListId when uploading a file to the audience list (uploadUserList).
audienceListType: audience list ID for "CUSTOM_AUDIENCE