Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Search Ads New autobidding type "Maximize conversion value"
A new autobidding type "Maximize conversion value" became available.
Search Ads The specification changes for operation history
We made the following changes to the operation history of AuditLogService.
Display Ads (Auction) Completed automatic converting of ads for the destination URL format
Closed "Destination URL" format. Ads in the destination URL format will be discontinued sequentially after this change release.
Display Ads (Auction) Rename bid strategy
We made the following changes to the description of some bidding strategies.
Display Ads (Auction) Release of Responsive Ads for Display
We have released “Responsive Ads for Display” that the system automatically selects and delivers multiple added images, descriptions, and other elements in responsive ads (images).
Renewal of the Campaign Management Tool for Search Ads
We will renew the Campaign Management Tool for Search Ads in stages by the end of FY2023.
Document of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Webinar is now available
The English translation of the document used in our recent "Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Webinar" is now available.
Completed: System maintenance notification
The maintenance has completed.
Display Ads New feature to edit ads under review
You can now edit the content of the ads under review with the editorial status "pending" or "change requested."
Display Ads (Auction) New image size for "Responsive (image)"
The image size for Display Ads (Auction) “Responsive (image)” became available.