Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Format change of notification emails on product releases
September 12, 2022: This change has been released.
September 6, 2022: Announced this information.
Document Number: APIE-FY22-2311
Dear customers,
Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.
We have changed the email format for release notifications of Yahoo!
Please see the following details.
1. Product:
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads
2. Date:
Email notifications after September 12, 2022 (Mon)
3. Overview:
The email format has been changed as follows.
-Subject of email
"Yahoo! JAPAN Ads update (2022/1/1)"
*The date will be the email notification send date.
-The content of the email shows updated summaries and URL links to
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Developer Center page.
Regardless of the number of product updates for the day, you will
only receive one email.
Click the URL link to find out detailed information.
4. Remarks:
For notifications other than product updates, we will send you
an email for each one as before.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API support team