Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Display Ads Add and change names on categories of ad placement restrictions
Document Number: APIE-FY22-2290
Dear customers,
Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.
We added categories for ad placement restrictions and change names
for some categories in Display Ads.
Please see the following details.
1. Product:
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads
2. Date:
September 5, 2022 (Mon)
3. Overview:
In Display Ads, we partially restrict the ad placement by setting
the categories of restricted products and services for each page.
This is to ensure that the products and services that the
advertisers want to promote do not violate the "Ad placement"
There were some issues with the categories of ad placement
restrictions used in this system, such as unclear definitions and
a limited number of categories to restrict. We will make the
following improvements to resolve the issues.
(1) Add the categories for ad placement restrictions and change names
for some categories
We will add the categories for ad placement restrictions and
change names for some categories.
Download the document for the category list of ad placement restrictions.
(2) Detailed page for the definition of each ad placement restrictions category
The following page that explains the definition of ad placement restriction categories
has been released.
Ad placement restrictions category definitions
Check the following guideline.
Guideline >" Ad placement restrictions and Sales restrictions" >
"Ad products that Ad placement restrictions and Sales restrictions are applied"
・Sales restrictions and Ad placement restrictions
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API support team