Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Year-end and New Year's holidays
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads support will be closed during the year-end of 2024 and the new year of 2025.
Search Ads: A/B test feature will be available
We have started offering the A/B test to compare the performance of ads in Search Ads.
Display Ads (Auction): Ad delivery of Dynamic Ads for Display to Brand Panel for smartphones starts
We started delivering Dynamic Ads for Display to Yahoo! JAPAN Brand Panel ad places on Smartphones (Brand Panel for Smartphones).
Display Ads: Change review start timing of images and videos
Display Ads will change the start timing of the review process for images and videos.
The official version of bid strategy "Maximize conversions (with target value)" is now available for campaigns using ad delivery optimization by SKAdNetwork.
Search Ads: Feature to select conversions for bid strategy optimization
You can select which conversions to use to optimize the bid strategy at the campaign level.
About Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v15 release
A new version of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads
Search Ads: Filter and search feature improvement
We have changed the filter and search feature to case-insensitive.
Display Ads (Auction): Browsing history of apps added to recommendations for Dynamic Ads for Display
You can use in-app product browsing history to select products for recommendations in Dynamic Ads for Display of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads (Auction) .
Display Ads: Upload customer data to the audience list without sign-in
Display Ads users can now upload customer data to the audience list without Campaign Management Tool access.