Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Search Ads: Change in the maximum retrieval duration for performance reports and performance data
We have changed the maximum duration available for obtaining performance reports, performance data, and analytics appearing on each view.
Display Ads (Auction): Bid strategy "Maximize conversion value" (beta version) will be available
We have launched the bid strategy "Maximize conversion value" (beta version) .
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v16 release
A new version of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API has been released.
Display Ads (Auction): End of "Only users with product browsing history" option
Customers using the option "Only users with product browsing history" may need to change settings.
Display Ads (Auction): Adding ad delivery to LINE services
As a part of the collaborative effort between Yahoo! JAPAN Ads and LINE Ads, we have added the following ads to the ad delivery.
We have increased the maximum number of characters for the feed item "ItemID" for Dynamic Ads for Display to improve the usability of ad management.
Search Ads: Changes to the metrics used to calculate the factors of auction rank
To improve ad relevance, we will review the metrics used to calculate auction rank factors. We will also disclose the factors that are important or have no impact on improving ad quality.
Search Ads: Adding new parameters
We added new parameters for Search Ads.
Display Ads (Auction): End of search keyword targeting
We have set a firm date for the end of keyword targeting.
Search Ads: End of autobidding type "Enhanced CPC"
At the end of June 2025, we will no longer offer the autobidding type "Enhanced CPC."