Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Display Ads (Auction) SKAdNetwork for measuring iOS app completed
We have supported SKAdNetwork measurement as previously announced in "Display Ads (Auction) SKAdNetwork for measuring iOS app (Document Number: APIE-FY21-2111)."
Business close schedule for holiday week
Our business will be closed during the Golden Week holidays.
Display Ads multiple account aggregation in some reports
Cross-account aggregation will become available on some reports of Display Ads. Please see the following details.
Search Ads Keyword match type change
"Modified Broad Match" of the match type on Search Ads will become out of service, and it will be integrated to "Phrase Match."
Display Ads Change completed of tracking conversion after video view
We have changed the tracking conversion method as previously announced in "Display Ads Change of tracking conversion after video view (Document Number: APIE-FY21-2102)."
Search Ads enhancements of Quality Index and Autobidding
We have added a new feature, Quality Index that shows ads quality, on Search Ads. Also, we will enhance Auto Bidding Type.
Search Ads enhancement of Autobidding completed
We have released the enhancement as previously announced in "Scheduled: Search Ads enhancement of Autobidding (Document Number : APIE-FY20-2164)."
Stop creating new ad groups and ads prior to Display Ads (YDN) sunset
We will stop creating new YDN ad groups and ads prior to the sunset of YDN service as previously announced in "Display Ads (YDN) sunset schedule (Document Number: APIE-FY20-2176)."
[Display Ads] Change of tracking conversion after video view
We will change the method of tracking conversion after video view on Display Ads.
Display Ads (Auction) SKAdNetwork for measureing iOS app
We will support SKAdNetwork measuring of iOS apps for Display Ads (Auction). As a result, there will be limitations on the number of campaigns that can be delivered, etc.