Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Display Ads reporting item "Ad Delivery URL" change
- January 26, 2022: This change has completed.
- January 12, 2022: Announced this change.
Document Number: APIE-FY21-2316
Dear customers,
Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.
There will be a change made to the display format of the reporting item
"ad delivery URL" on Display Ads. Please see the following details.
1. Product:
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads
2. Schedule:
January 26, 2022 (Wed)
*The date is subject to change.
3. Overview:
We will change the display of the reporting item "ad delivery URL"
as follows because of the security purpose.
To be changed:
Ad Delivery URL
* The change applies only to Display Ads (Auction).
Display the directory of "ad delivery URL" up to 2 levels
Display the directory of some ad delivery URLs up to one level
or do not display the directory Display up to 2 levels for
other ad delivery URLs
*There will be no impact on Placement Targeting.
4. Remarks:
When you specify the duration before the change release for reports,
the directory of ad delivery URLs will be displayed up to 2 levels
even after the change.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Yahoo! JAPAN API support team