Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Document of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Webinar is now available
The English translation of the document used in our recent "Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Webinar" is now available.
Display Ads Dynamic Ads for Display Item list template closed
We have ended the former template of item list file as previously announced in "Display Ads Dynamic Ads for Display Item list old template closing (Document Number: APIE-FY20-2153)."
Increase the maximum number of MCC accounts
We have increased the maximum number of MCC accounts that can be created.
Display Ads Sharing target list feature released
We have released the feature of sharing Display Ads target list under MCC accounts as previously announced in "Postponed: Display Ads Sharing target list feature (Document Number: APIE-FY20-2188)."
Scheduled change of Master Terms and Conditions
We will make some update to the "Master Terms and Conditions."
Enhancements on Display Ads Dynamic Ads for Display
We will make some enhancements to the prices that appear in the Dynamic Ads for Display.
Display Ads Sharing target list feature scheduled
We will provide a feature that allows you to share the target list of Display Ads under the MCC account.
Changes in Advertisement Editorial Guidelines: Representations for Consumption Tax
Advertisement Editorial Guidelines on Representations for Consumption Tax will change
Display Ads Video play time length changed
For videos with an aspect ratio of 16: 9, the playback time limit of videos that can be used for ads has been expanded from 60 seconds to 180 seconds.
Enhancements of Targeting features on Display Ads
Enhancements on Dynamic Ads (Auction) has been released as previously announced in "Enhancements of Targeting features on Display Ads (Auction) (Document Number: APIE-FY18-2144)".