Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Change bid range of campaign for video view on Display Ads
We will change the bid price range available for campaigns with "campaign goal: video view" of Display Ads.
Search Ads Changes on Indexes related to Impression Share
We will change some calculations on reporting items related to impression share of Search Ads.
Display Ads (Auction) addition and change of Audience category completed
We have completed the addition and change of Audience category as previously announced in "Display Ads (Auction) addition and change of Audience category (Document Number: APIE-FY20-2084)."
Authorization API Error Response Changes
We have changed the error response of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Authorization API.
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v3 released
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API new version has been released, as previously announced in "Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v3 release (Document Number : APIE-FY20-2091)."
Display Ads (Auction) addition and change of Audience category
We will add some Audience categories and will change some part of category configuration.
Search Ads Dynamic Ads for Search "Entire domain" option official release
We will officially provide the "Entire domain" designation, which is being tested for Dynamic Ads for Search.
Display Ads (YDN) Stop creating new campaigns
We will stop creating new YDN campaigns as previously announced in "Closing YDN and about Converting campaigns to Display Ads (Auction) (Document Number: APIE-FY20-2065)."
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Webinar information
We will hold a "Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Webinar" for our API partners.
Revised: Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v3 release
We revised some part of the announcement "Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v3 release (Document Number : APIE-FY20-2086)."