Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Changes in Advertisement Editorial Guidelines, "Medical cosmetics (quasi-drug), cosmetics"
With the revision of the voluntary guideline for proper advertising of cosmetics, etc. by the Japan Cosmetic Industry Associations (JCIA) in June 2020, we will update Yahoo! JAPAN Advertisement Editorial Guidelines to adapt this revision.
Display Ads New reports release
We will start new reports on Display Ads (Auction).
Article on Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Webinar is now available
We published an article about our recent "Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Webinar."
Display Ads (Auction) Audience category targeting enhancement released
We have added the new category type of Display Ads (Auction) audience category targeting as previously announced in "Display Ads (Auction) Audience category targeting enhancement (Document Number: APIE-FY20-2058)."
Change in some features on Measurement
We made some changes on Measurement feature of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.
Closing YDN and about Converting campaigns to Display Ads (Auction)
We are closing Display Ads (YDN) in 2021 Spring, and integrate the services to Display Ads (Auction) that has been released.
Reviews on expressions related to inferiority complex
Yahoo! JAPAN Advertisement Editorial Guidelines prohibit expressions that deliberately emphasize a part of the human body to cause feelings of an inferiority complex" on ads.
Display Ads Dynamic Ads for Display Item list template closing rescheduled
We have decided to reschedule the closing of former template of Item list file that was announced in "Displayed Ads Dynamic Ads for Display Item list template closing postponed (Document Number: APIE-FY20-2012)."
Display Ads Additional metrics "View-through conversions" released
We have added a new conversion metrics "View-through conversions" to Display Ads as previously announced in "Display Ads Additional metrics "View-through conversions" (Document Number: APIE-FY20-2057)."
Search Ads API Extended Text Ads enhancement
We will release the feature change of Extended text ads as previously announced in “Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API official version release (Document Number : APIE-FY20-2096)” etc, on the following scheduled date.