Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Display Ads Changes in feed items of the campaign goal "Item list promotion"
・October 21, 2021: Released these changes.
・October 8, 2021: Announced the release information.
Document Number: APIE-FY21-2261
Dear customers,
Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.
We have changed the availability of some parameters in the feed items of
the campaign goal "Item list promotion." Please see below for details.
1. Product:
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads (Auction)
2. Date:
October 20, 2021 (Wed)
3. Overview:
We changed the availability of parameters in the feed items of
the campaign goal "Item list promotion."
・Final URL, Smartphone final URL:
ifmobile, ifnotmobile are unavailable.
・Tracking URL:
ifmobile and ifnotmobile are unavailable on domain.
Note that the preceding availability of parameters will be applied
to ads with final URL format that started on October 20, 2021.
If you set the ads with final URL format and these parameters together,
an error will occur.
For details of final URL format, see the release note.
4. Remarks:
The campaign goal "Item list promotion" is for Dynamic Ads for
Display and it is available only for specific advertisers.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Yahoo! JAPAN API support team