Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Display Ads (YDN) Audience category auto setting for campaign conversion released
A new method became available on campaign conversion from YDN to Display Ads (Auction) to advance effectively.
Scheduled change of Master Terms and Conditions
We will update some part of "Master Terms and Conditions."
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Webinar information
We will hold a "Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Webinar" for our API partners.
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v2 release
We will release new version for Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API. The reference document of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API will be renewed.
Display Ads (YDN) Audience category auto setting for campaign conversion
A new method will be available on campaign conversion from YDN to Display Ads (Auction) to advance effectively.
Display Ads (Auction) Yahoo! JAPAN top page for Smartphone ad import started
Ad import for Yahoo! JAPAN top page for Smartphone Brand Panel of Display Ads (Auction) has started.
Display Ads Sales Restriction changed
Sales restrictions on some products of Display Ads have changed.
Display Ads reporting period expand for Performance data
Reporting period for Display Ads Performance data will expand.
Display Ads System maintenance notification
A system maintenance is scheduled. We apologize for any inconvenience, and appreciate your cooperation.
Display Ads (Auction) Yahoo! JAPAN top page for Smartphone
A new ad space Brand Panel placement on the Yahoo! JAPAN top page for smartphone (for web) will be available for Display Ads (Auction).