Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v16 release
February 18, 2025: Updated due to the release of API v16
This update includes new information that differs from the initial announcement. Check the following release notes for details.
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads API v16 Release Note
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads API v16 Release Note
- Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads API
- Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads API
Version released
February 17, 2025
Changes to the Search Ads API
Favicon assets
We will launch "favicon assets" that will allow advertisers to show a logo (company logos, brand logos) in Search Ads to indicate the content of the company's website. You can use this feature only after the release. See the following announcement for details.
Favicon assets will be available
- AssetService
- CampaignAssetService
- CampaignExportService
- Add the Enum value "FAVICON" to assetData.type in the AssetService and type in the CampaignAssetService.
*In versions prior to v15, when retrieving the entire case with get, the favicon asset entity will be returned as "UNKNOWN." - Add the field "faviconAsset" to the assetData of the AssetService.
- Add the Enum value "FAVICON_ASSET" to the entityType of the CampaignExportService.
*In versions prior to v15, if entityType is ALL or null, the favicon asset entity will also be returned.
- Add the Enum value "FAVICON" to assetData.type in the AssetService and type in the CampaignAssetService.
Shopping Search Ads reports
Shopping Search Ads reports available from Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads API.
- BaseAccountService/get
- SsaAccountService/get
- SsaReportDefinitionService/get, add, remove, getReportFields, download
- Followings change in BaseAccountService/get.
- Search Ads (Shopping) account are available.
- Add includeSsaAccount to request. The default value for this field is EXCLUDE_SSA (Exclude Search Ads (Shopping) accounts).
- Add new SsaAccountService/get. This web service allows you to get information about your Search Ads (Shopping) account.
- Add new SsaReportDefinitionService /get, add, remove, getReportFields, download. This web service allows users to get reports for Search Ads (Shopping) accounts. Available reports are as follows:
- Account report
- Campaign report
- Ad group report
- Product group report
- Product report
- Search query report
- Followings change in BaseAccountService/get.
- The following report items, which are available from the Campaign Management Tool, are not available from the Search Ads API.
- Search absolute top lost impression share (budget)
- Search absolute top lost impression share (rank)
- Although SaReportDefinitionService is classified as a reporting API, even if the maximum number of reporting APIs is changed by changing the QPS, SaReportDefinitionService remains unchanged at "up to 5 reports/sec." Learn more about "Request Restrictions (QPS)".
- The following report items, which are available from the Campaign Management Tool, are not available from the Search Ads API.
Changes to the Display Ads API
Audience data connections from LINE Ads and LINE Official Accounts
You can deliver ads using the audience data from LINE Ads and LINE Official Accounts. The Display Ads account and LINE Ads account, or LINE Official Account must be linked to connect the audience data. Learn more in the following announcement.
Audience data connections from LINE Official Account and LINE Ads
- AudienceListService /get
- AdGroupTargetService
- You can specify BUSINESS_MANAGER in audienceListTypes of AudienceListService /get. In this case, businessManagerAudienceList will return.
- You can specify BUSINESS_MANAGER in the audienceListType of the AdGroupTargetService.
Placement targeting enhancement
Ad place names can be added.
*This feature is already available in the Campaign Management Tool. Learn more in the following announcement.
Enhancement of the placement targeting
- PlacementUrlIdeaService/get
- Add adPlaceName (ad place name) to the response field.
- You can search by specifying the name of the ad place name in using keyword of the request field.
- Add the following items to the request field to narrow down the search.
- keywordFilterTypes: You can narrow down the type (URL and ad place name).
- adPlaceFilterTypes: You can narrow down the ad place type (main ad place).
- lang: You can narrow down the language of the ad place.
- unknownUrlFilterType: You can narrow down unknown URLs (show or hide) in search results.
- sortFiled: Specifies the item to be sorted.
- sortType: specifies the sorting method.
Change review start timing of images and videos
We will change the start timing of the review process for images and videos to optimize the review process. You can use both features only after the release. See the following announcement for details.
Change review start timing of images and videos
- MediaService
- VideoService
- PENDING_UNSPECIFIED_AD (pending due to unspecified ad) is added to approvalStatus.
- For the following field, the date and time was included at the time of image and video review, but this will be changed to the timing when the image and video is associated to the ad and reviewed. The field name will change from v16.
- MediaService
creationTime → reviewApplicationDate - VideoService
createdDateTime → reviewApplicationDate
- MediaService
- In versions prior to v15, the behavior is as follows.
Data with PENDING_UNSPECIFIED_AD responds as REVIEW: under review.
If REVIEW is specified for approvalStatuses[] of MediaService/get and VideoService/get, PENDING_UNSPECIFIED_AD is also included in the search.
- The download limit for the following two items will be changed from 100,000 to 10,000 downloads.
- FeedDataService/downloadErrorFile
- FeedService/downloadDisApprovalReasonList
- Remove unused report fields from the ReportDefinitionService.
Items to be removed Existing items IMPRESSION_SHARE_BUDGET_LOSS BUDGET_LOST_IMPRESSION_SHARE CLICK CLICKS VIEWABLE_CLICK VIEWABLE_CLICKS START_DATE CAMPAIGN_START_DATE END_DATE CAMPAIGN_END_DATE CITY_NAME CITY PREF_NAME PREFECTURE PREF_ID PREFECTURE_ID - Currently, setting a value to displayUrl in AdGroupAdService/add, set causes an error. This will change to ignore the setting and cause no error.
- Change the Enum value of the placementUrlListType of the AdGroupTargetService as follows.
- Find more details in the release notes and reference documents provided in the upcoming release.
- We will hold an online seminar to give an overview of v16 along with the release. Wait for further announcements for more details.
End of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v14
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v14 will end with the following schedule:
Support end date: March 10, 2025
End of life date: End of July, 2025 (scheduled)
*Wait for further announcements with detailed schedules.
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v13 will end with the following schedule:
End of life date: March 10, 2025
*Support for this version has already ended.