Enhancements of Age/Gender Targeting features on Display Ads

Document Number: APIE-FY21-2133

Dear customers,

Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

There will be an enhancement made to age targeting and gender targeting
features of Display Ads. Please see the following details.

Once again, thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

1. Product:
 Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads

2. Change groups of Age Targeting:
 We will change the age groups that can be specified to the age group
 (new format) to every 5 years on the age targeting of Display Ads.
 Along with this enhancement, we will put "(prev)" on the name of
 existing age groups (previous format).
 Age groups without "(prev)" will be the new format.

  New : "15-19"
  Previous : "15-17 (prev)"

 The age group "13-14" will become unavailable.
 Along with this change, the age group that can be specified becomes
 15 years old or older.

 ■Planned schedule
 [Display Ads (Auction)]
  June 9, 2021: New age groups will become available
  ・October 2021: Convert the existing settings to the new groups
   automatically in sequence
  *From June 2, 2021 to the completion of conversion, existing ad
   groups will be able to use both old and new groups in parallel.
   Note that a new ad group will support the new age groups only.
  * On June 9, 2021, we plan to add a function to switch to the new
   groups on the age targeting editing view.
   Also note that switching the converted new groups back to the
   previous is not available.

  ・When targeting all ages without age targeting, the ad performance
  after June 2, 2021 will be actual results in the new groups (the ad
  delivery target will not change). Performance report will be with
  the new groups.
  ・Even after converting to new age groups, the ad performance in
  the previous format will still be available.
3. Predicted uUsers on age/gender targetings:
 *These changes are for Display Ads (Auction) only.

 The feature that specifies "predicted users" on age targeting and
 gender targeting of Display Ads (Auction) will become unavailable.
 After the change, "predicted users" will be included in the target
 segment automatically when setting Age/Gender targetings.
 ■Planned schedule
  In addition to the converting to new age groups implemented in
  October 2021, the "predicted users" setting function for age
  (previous format) and gender targeting will become unavailable.
  *The new age group will not support "Predicted Users" setting

  The ad performance on "predicted users" counted before the change
  will be available on Performance report.

4. Changes on Display Ads API:
  June 9, 2021

 (1) New age groups
  Interfaces for setting new age groups and getting the performance
  will become available.
  [Effected version]
   v4 and later
  [Service that covers this feature]

 (2) Predicted Users on Age/Gender targetings:
  ・Predicted users on Age targeting
   *The new age groups that becomes available on June 9, 2021 will
   not support the "predicted users" setting feature.
   The previous age groups support the "predicted users" setting
   even after the change. However since those previous groups will
   become unavailable in October, we recommend to convert them to
   new groups.

  ・Predicted users on Gender targeting discontinue
   After the converting to new age groups in October 2021, the
   feature that specifies "predicted users" on Gender targeting will
   become unavailable.
  [Effected version]
   All available versions
  [Service that covers this feature]

 (3) Schedule for change of Age targeting report
  The implementation date of the report item name change announced
  on May 19, 2021 has been decided on June 9, 2021.
  See the following announcement for the details.
  Changes on Age Targeting report of Display Ads
5. Other information:
 ・Schedule may change without prior notice.
 ・Change details of targeting settings on creating/editing ad groups
  and converting age groups can be checked on the document on the
  release note.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Yahoo! JAPAN API support team