Search Ads New format of Ad Display Options

Document Number: APIE-FY21-2303

Dear customers,

Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.
We will provide a new format on the ad display options in spring 2022.
Please see the following details.

1. Product:
 Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads

2. Schedule:
 Spring 2022
 *More details will be announced later.
 *This date is subject to change.

3. Overview:
 We will provide a new format of ad display options on Search Ads.
 Following options will change.
 ・Category Text
 ・Call Extensions

 On the new format, the changes are as follows.
 ・Supports ad delivery status on / off for each ad display option
  "On" and "Off" setting on the "status" of ad delivery will become
  available by each ad display option. You can turn on the ad
  delivery status only for the desired duration while keeping the
  setup to the campaign or ad group as it is.
  You can expect improving the convenience of ad management.

 ・Remove the maximum number of ad display options
  Creating ad display options without maximum limit.
  (Currently up to 5 million per account)
  You can create as many as you need.
  We will remove the limit on the total number of the setup ad
  display options to accounts and campaigns.

  *The maximum number of setup to individual campaign and ad group
  is 20 options when you turn "on" the status of ad delivery, up to
  2,000 items can be set when the status is "off" even in the new

4. Precautions:
 Creating ad display options in the current format will be available
 even after the change release.
 Note that we will convert the current options to new format
 automatically by the system in 2022.
 More details will be announced later.

5. Remarks:
 Learn more about details on the following document.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Yahoo! JAPAN API support team