Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Character additions and file management updates
- Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads
- Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads
March 18, 2025
We have enhanced usability in Yahoo! JAPAN Ads by adding characters and making specification changes in file management, etc.
Search Ads and Display Ads
■Addition of characters available for items
We have added new characters for use in columns such as names and descriptions of various items. This change lets you input foreign languages.
Download the document(PDF) for details.
■Addition of available character codes
You can now use new character codes in various Yahoo! JAPAN Ads statements and the Display Ads file download feature.
See the document (PDF) for the available character codes and features.
■Addition of available file formats
Each statement in Yahoo! JAPAN Ads and the Display Ads file download feature, files with a ".csv" extension and tab-delimited format are now available. If you want to use this file format in the features, specify a CSV file with "UTF-16" character codes.
See the document (PDF) for details.
Display Ads
■Punycode conversion of URLs using multi-byte characters
When using multi-byte characters such as Japanese in the following items, the domain part is automatically changed to Punycode (alphanumeric code).
- Tracking URL
- Destination URL of the campaign banner
- This applies only when ads are created or edited in the Campaign Management Tool. The import feature of the Campaign Management Tool, new ad account applications in the Campaign Management Tool, adding ads by the Campaign Editor, Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API, and Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Script are not included.
- After entering the target URL, the punycode-changed URL will appear in the input field.
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API
■Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API common
- Versions affected: All versions
- Changes
We have added characters that can be used in columns such as names and descriptions of various items.
Download the document (PDF) for details.
■Display Ads API
- Versions affected: All versions
- Changes
The following features now support new character codes.
See the document (PDF) for the available character codes.
・FeedDataService/upload (Data feed upload for Dynamic Ads for Display) - Versions affected: v16
- Changes
(1) New character codes are now available in the following features.
See the document (PDF) for the available character codes.
・ReportDefinitionService/add (reports)
・AuditLogService/add (change history)
・FeedDataService/downloadErrorFile (Error download for data feed upload of Dynamic Ads for Display)
(2) The following features now support files with a ".csv" extension and tab-delimited format.
・ReportDefinitionService/add (reports)
・AuditLogService/add (change history)
Learn more in the following document.
Download document