Search Ads: Adding new parameters


February 6, 2025: We completed adding the new parameters.

January 28, 2025: We postponed the release date.
January 16, 2025: We announced this information.


Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads


February 5, 2025


We added new parameters to improve the accuracy of ad tracking, including web conversions.

Target ads

Ads being delivered by accounts that meet both of the following criteria:

  • Auto-tagging is set to "On."
  • The target site has the "site general tag," "site general tag・complementary feature tag of conversion tracking," or the "conversion tag" installed.
Added parameters

The following parameters are added when the target ad starting with "sa_" is clicked. The amount of data added varies but ranges from 2 to 10 characters each.

  • sa_p
  • sa_cc
  • sa_t
  • sa_ra

We will also added the cookie "_ycla_aw" (can be cycla_aw) to the 1st party cookie of the site to which the ad with the preceding parameters leads you. The amount of data added is about 50 characters.

There is no impact on ad delivery. There is no impact on ad performance, such as conversions.