Display Ads: Migration and end of search keyword targeting


December 12, 2023: We have released  a new list type "Advanced segments." We also updated the document. 
November 28, 2023: We announced this information.


Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads


As we have announced in "Display Ads Renew audience targeting," we will merge search keyword targeting to audience list targeting and end search keyword targeting.
See the following help pages for the details.
Search keyword targeting
Audience list targeting

More details are described in the following document.
*More details on specifications have been added to the document (Pages 27-38).
Download the document

Merge search keyword targeting into audience list targeting


December 11, 2023


Search keyword targeting was merged into audience list targeting, and a new list type "Advanced segments" was added to the "Audience list."
In the previous search keyword targeting, you can select keywords from a list of suggestions and create a list, but in "Advanced segments" you can input any keyword, and machine learning will create an optimal audience list based on the keyword. By using this list, ads are delivered not only to internet users who search for the input keywords themselves but also to users whose search behavior is highly similar to that of keywords.


-Your input keywords will be reviewed. Keywords that violate Advertising Data Usage Standards can't be used.
Advertising Data Usage Standards Chapter 3 Data Use
"1. Prohibition on targeting by using personal data requiring careful handling"
"8. Protection for minors"
-The previous "Search keyword targeting" and "Advanced segments" will run in parallel for a while.  You will need to migrate to "Advanced segments" eventually. Use "Advanced segments." 

Migration feature for search keyword targeting


Around fall 2024
*This schedule is subject to change.


We will offer the feature to migrate to audience list targeting in the Campaign Management Tool. Details will be announced once confirmed.
Creating new search keyword lists will end along with the offering of the migration feature.

End of search keyword targeting

The schedule will be announced once it is determined.

Impacts on Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads API

The impacts of merging to audience list targeting in Display Ads API are as follows:


December 11, 2023

Affected version

All available versions

Services and impacts

■Service: AudienceListService
■Impact: When getting an "Advanced segments" audience list, the behavior will be as follows:
・The "audienceListType " and "sourceType" are returned as UNKNOWN.
・You can get only common fields such as "audienceListName" and "audienceListId".
 Detail fields are not available.

■Target service: AdGroupTargetService
■Impact: When an "advanced segment" audience list is associated with an AdGroup, the list type is returned as UNKNOWN.


A new list type, "Advanced segments," will be available in v13 with the same features as the Campaign Management Tool.