Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v10 release

Document number: APIE-FY22-2387

Dear customers,

Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.
We will release a new version of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API.
Please see the following details.

1. Product:
 Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads API
 Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads API

2. Version released:

3. Schedule:
 February 14, 2023 (Tue)
 *The date is subject to change.

4. Changes on Search Ads API:
■Adding a remove flag to target the value for autobidding
Add a remove flag to the target values for autobidding "Maximizeconversions" and "Maximize conversion value."
 Add the following fields.
 When the target value for autobidding is set to null, the value is removed, but this value will not be removed or changed in API v10.
 When you want to remove the value, turn on the remove flag.
 Add the following fields.
 When the target value for autobidding is "0" (zero), the value is removed, but this value will not be removed or changed in API v10.
 When you want to remove the value, turn on the remove flag.

■Interface unification
To unify the interface across multiple services of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads API and Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads API, we will make some changes to Search Ads API, such as renaming or removing fields.

・Renaming fields

Service nameBeforeAfter
ConversionTrackerService appPostbackUrlClearFlag isRemoveUrl
CampaignService containsLabelId containsLabel (*)
appStore appOsType
AdGroupService containsLabelId containsLabel (*)
bid biddingStrategyConfiguration.biddingScheme.cpcBiddingScheme
AdGroupAdService containsLabelId containsLabel (*)

(*)Changed fromENUMvaluestobooleanvalues

・Removing fields

Service nameFields to be removed
CampaignService budget.budgetPeriod
AdGroupService bid.bidSource

・Adding new fields

Service nameNew field to be added
AdGroupService biddingStrategyConfiguration

*You can removetrackingUrl.

・Other changes

Service nameChanges

Change the maximum and default values of the following to "500"

LabelService Change the default value of numberResults to "2000"

Remove ad.description1 and ad.headline1, and add the followings:



5. Changes on Display Ads API:
■Yahoo! JAPAN Audience Discovery
A new list, "Audience list (Yahoo! Audience Discovery)" will be available.
*This new list has been already available on the Campaign Management Tool. See the following announcement for the details.
[Display Ads] Release of new audience list and end of the current audience list (custom)

Along with this change, there will be the following updates.
 -Add ENUM value "YAHOO_JAPAN_AUDIENCE_DISCOVERY" to audienceListType and sourceType
 -Add yahooJapanAudienceDiscoveryAudienceList field to audienceListContent
 Add ENUM value "YAHOO_JAPAN_AUDIENCE_DISCOVERY" to audienceListType

■Optimization score
You will be able to check the optimization score to evaluate how well the autobidding is optimized.
*This new list has been already available on the Campaign Management Tool. See the following release note for more detail.
[Display Ads (Auction)] Optimization score released

Along with this change, there will be the following updates.
 Add optimizationScore as a field for per-account optimization scores

■Image enhancement feature
Support for the feature to adjust the added images to high quality will be available.
*This new list has been already available on the Campaign Management Tool. See the following release note for more detail.

[Display Ads] Improved image quality when adding images

Along with this change, there will be the following updates.
 Add mediaRecord.imageMedia.upscaleImageEnabled
 The default setting is "Upscale image (On)." This feature is not available for the versions before v9.

■Remove the flag to the ad group bid and target CPA
Add a remove flag for the maximum bid (CPC, CPV, vCPM) and the target value (t CPA) to be set in the bid strategy for the ad group.
 Add the following fields.
 When the maximum bid (CPC, CPV, vCPM) and target value (tCPA) are "0" (zero), the value is removed, but this value will not be removed or changed in API v10. When you want to remove the value, turn on the remove flag.

■Interface unification
To unify the interface across multiple services of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads API and Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads API, we will make some changes to Display Ads API, such as field names.

・Renaming a Field

Service nameBeforeAfter
FeedDataService fileUploadSrc fileUploadSource
ReportDefinitionService displayFieldNameEN displayFieldNameEn
displayFieldNameJA displayFieldNameJa
StatsService vimps viewableImps
clickCnt clicks
averageRateVideoViewed avgPercentVideoViewed
averageDurationVideoViewed avgDurationVideoViewed
conversionRate convRate
conversionValue convValue
valuePerConversions valuePerConv
allConversions allConv
allConversionRate allConvRate
allConversionValue allConvValue
valuePerAllConversions valuePerAllConv
conversionValueViaAdClick convValueViaAdClick
budgetImpressionShareLostRate impressionShareBudgetLoss
rankImpressionShareLostRate impressionShareRankLoss
viewThroughConversions convValueViaViewThrough
valuePerConversionsViaAdClick valuePerConvViaAdClick
statsStartDate startDate
statsEndDate endDate
VideoService creationTime createdDatetime
AdGroupAdService adStyle mainMediaFormat

・Other changes

Service nameChanges
ReportDefinitionService Change default for numberResults integer($int32 )to 500

Change format of requestTime and completeTime to yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss

Example: "requestTime": "2022/08/05 12:30:33"

ReportDefinitionService(getReportFields) Change type toreportType

Change the following maximum to 1000


Change the following maximum to 1000

CampaignService Change containsLabelIdFlg to containsLabel
CampaignService Change deviceOsType to appOsType

Remove thefollowing itemsfrom underadTypeandadd them underad
Example:remove ad.bannerImageAd.finalUrl and add ad.finalUrl

■Maintenance release
Change some of the returned values of report items.
 -Returns the report item "MEDIA_AD_FORMAT," indicating the pixel size of images and videos, with "1200 × 300" replacing the "1000 × 250" value.
 -Change "Attribute・life events" to "Attribute, life events" in the English return value for the audience category type.

6. Support for openapi-generator6 series in sample programs
 Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads
 Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads
 January 25, 2023 (Wed)
 *The date is subject to change.
 We will support openapi-generator6 series in python, php, and ruby samples.

7. More information:
・More details will be available on the release note and reference document provided on the new version release.
・We will hold an online seminar to give an overview of v10 along with the release. We will make another announcement for the detail of this change.

8. Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v8 Sunset:
 Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v8 sunset is scheduled as follows.
  End of support date : Feb 27, 2023 (Mon)
  End of life date : June 23, 2023 (Fri)

 Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v7 will also end on the following scheduled date as previously announced in "Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v9 released (Document Number: APIE-FY22-2315)."  
  End of life date: February 27, 2023 (Mon)
  *We have ended the user support for this version already.

If you have any questions, contact us.

Yahoo! JAPAN API support team