Display Ads (Auction) Autobidding "Maximize clicks" additional campaign goal

Document Number: APIE-FY22-2298

Dear customers,

Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

We will add campaign goals to set the autobidding "Maximize clicks" on
Display Ads (Auction). Please see the following details.

1. Product:
 Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads (Auction)

2. Schedule:
 August 29, 2022 (Mon)
 *This date is subject to change.

3. Overview:
 The autobidding "Maximize clicks" will become available for the
 following campaign goals.
 - Conversions
 - App promotion
 - Item list promotion
 - PayPay Gift
 - Store visit promotion

 *"Item list promotion," "PayPay Gift," and "Store visit promotion"
 are available for specific accounts.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Yahoo! JAPAN API support team