Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
Display Ads Custom metric feature
Document Number: APIE-FY22-2264
Dear customers,
Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.
The new feature "Custom metric" became available on Display Ads.
Please see the following details.
1. Product:
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads
2. Date:
July 28, 2022 (Thu)
3. Overview:
We have added the custom metric feature on Display Ads.
By using this feature, you can add the metrics that you create with
any custom formula to the list view of components such as campaigns
as one of columns.
You needed calculation on the separated spreadsheet for the metrics
that were not available on the Campaign Management Tool previously,
but now you can use the custom metric feature and expect to reduce
workload for calculation.
Note that the custom metric can be added on the following views.
- Campaign list
- Ad Group list
- Ad list
See the following help page to learn more details and how to use.
Modify columns
4. Precautions:
- The custom metric is available on the Campaign Management Tool.
Campaign Editor and Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads API don't support
the feature.
- You can't add the custom metric to the performance report.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Yahoo! JAPAN API support team