Carousel Ad on Display Ads (Auction) released

Document Number: APIE-FY21-2207

Dear customers,

Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

We have started providing Carousel ad on Display Ads (Auction) as
previously announced in "Carousel Ad on Display Ads (Auction) (Document
Number: APIE-FY21-2180)." Please see the following details.

Once again, thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

1. Product:
 Display Ads (Auction)

2. Date:
 July 27, 2021 (Tue)

3. Overview:
 On Display Ads (Auction), we now provide "Carousel Ad."

 Carousel ad is a horizontal banner ad that displays a combination
 of multiple images (carousel cards).
 It can be created by combining two or more "carousel cards" including
 image and text.
 By setting different images and link URLs on each carousel card, you
 can promote the characteristics of products and services in various ways.
 You can swipe the ad to see multiple carousel cards, telling the story
 of a product or service, or showing the appeal of a product as a large
 landscape image.

 You can create a carousel ad with the following campaign goals.
  ・website traffic
  ・App promotion

 Check the release note to see the screen image.
4. Remarks:
 ・To create a carousel ad, you need to set two or more carousel cards
 (up to 10).
 ・All of the carousel cards are subject to editorial review.
 If even one carousel card is rejected by the review, the carousel ad
 will not be delivered.

 ・Logo images are required for Carousel Ad.
 The logo will be displayed at the end of the carousel card on the ad.

5. Changes on Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API
 We made the following changes on Yahoo! JAPAN Display Ads API to
 release Carousel Ad.
 ・Effected API
  Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads API
 ・Effected version
  - "ad.carouselAd" will be added to AdGroupAdService
  - "CAROUSEL_AD" will become selectable at adType of AdGroupAdService

6. Remarks:
 At the start of providing Carousel ad, following ad placements are
  - Yahoo! JAPAN home page for PC
  - Yahoo! JAPAN News for smartphone (Web)

 The following placements are scheduled to become available.
  - From late August to early September, gradually

 Yahoo! JAPAN app for smartphones Yahoo! JAPAN News, etc,
  - Mid September: Yahoo! JAPAN home page (web) for smartphones

 Insertion rules for Carousel Ad (Japanese version)