Scheduled change of Master Terms and Conditions

Document Number: APIE-FY20-2170

Dear customers,

Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

We will update some part of "Master Terms and Conditions."
Please see below for details.

Once again, thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

1. Effective date:
 February 17, 2021 (Wed)
 *The schedule may change without prior notice.

2. Changes:
 Contents related to Display Ads (Guaranteed) will change.

 ・Article 1 Formation of Agreement 4
 (Before) *partial excerption
  In addition, if an application from the Applicant to display the
  Advertisement is for a Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads ("Guaranteed
  Display"), Yahoo indicates its acceptance by displaying on the
  Tool to the effect that the application has been guaranteed.
 (After) *partial excerption
  In addition, if an application from the Applicant to display the
  Advertisement is for a Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads ("Guaranteed
  Display"), Yahoo is also able to indicate its acceptance of the
  Advertisement by sending a message to the e-mail address provided
  by the Applicant when applying, or by displaying on the Tool to
  the effect that the application has been guaranteed.

 ・Article 2 Responsibilities of the Applicant 1 (10)
 (Add as new)
  The Advertisement is for a Guaranteed Display specified separately
  Yahoo! JAPAN, The applicants must complete the submission of this
  advertisement and other necessary procedures by the date specified
  by Yahoo

 ・[EXHIBIT] On Cancellation of Guaranteed Display (Article 12, Paragraph 3) 4
 (Add as new)
  The provisions in each preceding paragraph shall not apply to
  Guaranteed Display designated by Yahoo, provisions of Paragraph 3
  of Article 12 shall be applicable.

3. Remarks:
 The latest contents of Master Terms and Conditions is as follows.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Yahoo! JAPAN API support team