New index of "Quality Index" on Search Ads added

Document Number: APIE-FY20-2134

Dear customers,

Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

We have added a new index of "Quality Index" that shows ads
quality on Search Ads as previously announced in "Search Ads
enhancement of Auto bidding (Document Number: APIJ-FY20-2125)."
Please see the following details.

Once again, thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

1. Product:
 Search Ads

2. New index of Quality Index:
 In addition to the "Quality Index", which evaluates the quality
 of ads on a 10-point scale, you can check the evaluation of the
 "Expected CTR," one of the elements that make up the Quality Index.
 ・"Expected CTR" shows an estimate of how many clicks your ad
  will earn when it's displayed. It is displayed as "Above
  average," "Average," or "Below average."
 ・This change has completed on December 9, 2020.
  We have corrected the release date of the new index. We
  apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
3. Impact on Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads API
 ・Effected version : All
 ・Affected areas : Following fields were added to Keyword report
  of ReportDefinitionService.
   -HISTORICAL_QUALITY_SCORE (Quality Index (hist.))
   *The item with "(hist.)" displays the last evaluation during
   the specified reporting duration.

4. Character code change of reports
 We have changed the character code of reports for Search Ads on
 the Campaign Management Tool.
  [Before] S-JIS
  [After] UTF_16LE (with BOM)
  *The character code of "UTF_16LE (with BOM)" is used for the
  CSV files of "Automated rules" and "Optimize" tab, reports
  acquired by Campaign Editor and API, and there is no change on
  this release.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Yahoo! JAPAN API support team