Increased maximum number of ads to be added on Display Ads

Document Number: APIE-FY20-2077

Dear customer,

Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

We have increased the maximum number of ads to be added to ad group on
Display Ads. Please see the following details.

Once again, thank you for using Yahoo! Ads.

1. Product:
 Display Ads (Auction)
 Display Ads (YDN)

2. Effective date:
 September 9, 2020 (Wed)

3. Overview:
 The maximum number of ads that can be added in one ad group has been
 increased as follows.

  Ads: max 200 (max 50 when display setting is "On")
  Ads: max 300 (regardless of display setting On/Off)

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Yahoo! JAPAN API support team