Display Ads (Auction) Yahoo! JAPAN top page for Smartphone

Document Number: APIE-FY20-2029

Dear customer,

Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

A new ad space Brand Panel placement on the Yahoo! JAPAN top page for smartphone (for web) will be available for Display Ads (Auction). Please see the following details.

Once again, thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

1. Product:
 Display Ads (Auction)

2. Schedule:
 - Import start date: June 2, 2020 (Tue)
 - Ad delivery start date: June 15, 2020 (Mon)
 *Schedule may change without prior notice.

3. Overview:
 A new ad space Brand Panel placement on the Yahoo! JAPAN top page for
 smartphone will be available for Display Ads (Auction).
 Along with this distribution, a new campaign goal "Brand awareness"
 and a new bidding option "Viewable Impressions (vCPM)" will be provided.
 Please confirm the following description about how to create ads.

 Campaign goal : Brand awareness
 Bidding options : Viewable Impressions (vCPM)
 Ad Style :
 - Images aspect ratio 16:9
     Min. Pixel size : 640pixel × 360pixel
 - Video aspect ratio 16:9
     Min. Pixel size : 640pixel × 360pixel
     Video thumbnail : 640pixel × 360pixel
4. Precautions:
 - It will be delivered on Yahoo! JAPAN top page for Smartphone (web)
  at the start.
  Yahoo! JAPAN app will not be supported at that time.
 - Ads that did not meet a certain position of auction rank may not be
  delivered on the Brand Panel placement of Yahoo! JAPAN top page for

5. Ad placement restrictions:
 Ads of categories restricted by Ad placement restrictions of the Brand
 Panel placement of Yahoo! JAPAN top page for Smartphone are not delivered.
 * Ad products that this change apply to are available only for limited
 Categories not listed on the following table are out of restriction scope.

Ad productsCategory to be restricted
- PC Brand Panel (static image, video) Following categories are restricted.
- Fortune-telling
- Consumer finance (Consumer unsecured money lender), Lender of "shoko" loans (high interest rate loans provided mainly to small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs)
- Online Dating Services and Marriage Agency
- LASIK, Cosmetic surgery, Aesthetic surgery, Cosmetic dermatology
- Opinion advertisements by an organization, Expression that strongly delivers subjective opinions
- Pachinko, Slot machines, Gambling
- Hair growth and wig services
- Pregnancy, Infertility information
- Private detective services
- Clinical trials
- Commercial products related to capability development
- Sexual contents
- Religious organizations
- Romance, Marriage
- Health Appliances, Health Products
- Beauty salons, Esthetic salons
- Uninsured treatment by medical institutions

6. API:
 Changes on API service are as follows.
 - API version: Yahoo! Ads Display Ads API v0, v1
 - Change : A new "BRAND_AWARENESS" will be added on the accountAuthorities
  field of Account.

 See reference document for details.
 * API reference will become available after the ad import start date.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Yahoo! JAPAN API support team