Search Ads Target value for Autobidding

Document Number: APIE-FY20-2018

Dear customer,

Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

There will be an enhancement made to Search Ads Autobidding feature on
the Campaign management tool.
This enhancement will be applied to the next version of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads
Search Ads API. Please check the following information about the change
in advance.

Once again, thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

1. Product:
 Search Ads

2. Schedule:
 May 13, 2020 (Wed)
 *Schedule may change without prior notice.

3. Overview:
 For the campaign methods "Auto bidding : Target CPA" and "Auto
 bidding : Target ROAS", it becomes available to set individual target
 values for the ad groups under the campaign, on the Campaign
 management tool.
 Please use as necessary, such as when you want to set a high target
 value for a specific ad group.
 - For ad groups, you can only set target values of the same type as
 the bidding method of the campaign.
 Example: If the campaign bidding method is "Auto bidding : Target CPA",
 the "Target CPA" can be set individually for the ad group.
 "Target ROAS" can't be set.

 - You can edit the created ad group and set the target value on the
 ad group list screen.
 - If you don't set individual targets for your ad group, the target
 set in the campaign's bidding will be applied.
4. Precautions:
 - Even if the bidding method is "Auto bidding : Target ROAS", you
 can't set the target value for each ad group when "Portfolio bidding"
 is selected.  
 The target value can be set only for "Standard bidding".
 - The next version of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads API will support
 this feature enhancement.
 We will make another announcement once the schedule and details have
 been decided.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Yahoo! JAPAN API support team