Search Ads API v1 Release Note

Release version


Effective Date

February 20, 2020 (Thu)

Main Contents of this Release

*More about objects and other details are described on the Reference document.
Following feature enhancements were released with the official release of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads API.

1. Import feature for offline conversions

The conversion data that occurred outside of the website will be imported to the Campaign Management Tool using "YCLID", a parameter that identifies who clicked the ad.
See the following page for details.
Offline conversion import feature release

Service that covers this feature

2. Enhancement for Extended Text Ads

Added the following fields to "ExtendedTextAd" of AdGroupAdService due to the enhancement of Extended Text Ads scheduled in Spring 2020.
  headline3 (Title3)
  description2 (Description2)

Service that covers this feature

3. Maintenance Release

Following changes were made.
- Added "accountName" as search criteria of AccountService.
- Added "startIndex" and "numberResults" fields on the request for "getDisapprovalReason" of DictionaryService to support paging feature on search criteria.
- Specifying the value of "1" to "5" for "sortFields" of the add request on ReportDefinitionService became available.
- The following item is added to the report field.
  "ACCOUNT_ID" (account ID)
  "ACCOUNT_NAME" (account name)

Service that covers this feature
‐ AccountService
‐ DictionaryService
‐ ReportDefinitionService