Display Ads API v2 Release Note

Release version


Effective Date

July 20, 2020 (Mon)

Main Contents of this Release

*More about objects and other details are described on the Reference document.

1. Change budget on monthly charge

Supported changing budget on monthly charge
Monthly budget can be changed only when accountType is "INVOICE". The budget amount needs to be specified in increments of 1,000.

Service that covers this feature
 - Support for changing monthly budget by specifying budget item
 - Added new error code (212001)

2. Acquire authorized business ID

Added support for obtaining the Yahoo! JAPAN business ID, which authorizes the application to access Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

Service that covers this feature
 Added the new item "authorizationBusinessId" on AccountServicePage object

3. Add AccountAuthorityService

Added the new "AccountAuthorityService" that works for account roles on Display Ads.
The AccountAuthorities field of AccountService, which used to be able to get account roles, has closed.

Service that covers this feature
 Added as a new service
 The item "accountAuthorities" has removed from Account object

4. Change range of "Age" column for creating performance report

When specifying "Age" on creating performance report, former age segments "under 6" and "6-12" will be totalized as "5-12".
* They will be separately reported on the former version.

Service that covers this feature

5. Add View through conversions

Added the new tracking value "View through conversions (viewThroughConversions)". See the following announcement for the details.
Please note that the value will become available after the effective date.
[Display Ads] Additional metrics "View-through conversions"

Service that covers this feature
 Added "viewThroughConversions" to ConversionTrackerServiceValue object

 Added "viewThroughConversions" to the following objects
 - StatsServiceAdGroupStatsValue
 - StatsServiceAdStatsValue
 - StatsServiceCampaignStatsValue
 - StatsServiceImageStatsValues
 - StatsServiceTargetStatsValues
 - StatsServiceVideoStatsValue

6. Maintenance Release

Following changes were made.
 Changed the type of "value" item of AccountServiceReturnValue from "AccountServiceValue object" type to "AccountServiceValue array" type

 The following objects support to remove the logo media image by specifying isRemoveLogoMediaId
 - AdGroupAdServiceResponsiveImageAd
 - AdGroupAdServiceResponsiveVideoAd
 - AdGroupAdServiceStaticFrameAd

 - Removed the "isRemoveFeedSetId" field of AdGroupServiceValue object because it is required to link the product set to the ad group.
 - Changed "AdGroupServiceType", which indicates the type of bid method, to an appropriate Enum name "AdGroupServiceBidType"

 Changed HTTP method of getMediaAdFormat and getThirdPartyTrackingDomain from GET to POST to unify HTTP methods of services

 Added "isRemoveDescription" to PlacementUrlList object to support "description" deletion by Set request

 Added the following items to ReportDefinition object to unify to Search Ads API
 - Added "TSV" to "reportDownloadFormat" item
 - Added "UTF16LE" to "reportDownloadEncode" item
 Similarly, changed the following item names

compressType reportCompressType
dateRangeType reportDateRangeType
downloadEncode reportDownloadEncode
downloadFormat reportDownloadFormat
jobStatus reportJobStatus
Lang reportLanguage
Zip reportCompressType

 Changed the value "ACCEPTED" returned in the "reportJobStatus" item to "WAIT"
 - Added "Lifetime" to the item "dateRangeType" of "ReportDefinition" object, for the coming feature enhancement
 * "Full-year" can be specified only when acquiring a report for Display Ads (Guaranteed)

 Added "isRemoveDescription" to RetargetingList object and enabled to delete "explanation" by Set request

 Added "isRemoveSearchKeywordListDescription" to SearchKeywordList object and enabled to delete "description" by Set request

Sunset schedule of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads API v0

Search Ads API v0 is scheduled to sunset as follows.
・Deprecation Date : August 31, 2020 (Mon)
・End of Life Date : November 19, 2020 (Thu)

YDN API (SOAP edition) V201911 has ended support on June 30, 2020.
End of Life Date of V201901 and V201909 is scheduled on September 30, 2020.