Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | Developer Center
日本語Test Account
*If you signed in using Yahoo! JAPAN Business ID (hereinafter referred to as Business ID) with no permission granted for Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Management Console, "Added applications" and "Test accounts" tab will not be displayed.
-With tool permission

-Without tool permission

In Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API, we provide an account for testing that can be used in production environment.
*We do not provide an environment designated for testing or development.
Test account will be issued for each of Search Ads API and Display Ads API.
We will inform you about the test account in the application completion email sent out to you when API is ready for use.
Furthermore, the authorization process for test account is same with the production account.
- Test account can be used with Business ID that you used to apply for Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API.
- There is no default data on the test account.
There are following restrictions on the account for testing.
Production account | Test account | |
Features on Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API | All available (*1) | All available |
Ad creatives | Available (ads delivered) | Not available (no ad delivered) |
Performance Report | Actual ad performance is available | Actual ad performance is not available * You can get the format and item information of Performance Report. |
Editorial review of ad creatives | Available | Not available (*2) |
Operation on the Campaign Management Tool | Available | Not available |
Operation on Campaign Editor | Available | Not available |
Request Restrictions (QPS) | Search Ads API: max. 1/sec for "proposal" type only, max. 5/sec for others by each API service type. *It depends on the type of service contract. *Search Ads and Requests on Display Ads are counted separately. |
Search Ads API: max. 1/sec for "proposal" type only, max. 5/sec for others by each API service type. *It counts separately from the production account. |
(*1) There may be some feature differences between production and test account of Display Ads API.
(*2) Ads and keywords will be given "APPROVED" status as soon as they are created on test account. You are not able to check whether the editorial review completes with ads contents on the test account.
Forgot Test Account
If you forgot your test account, you can confirm on the test account list on Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Management console.
Additionally, you can check it by getting a list of accounts using the get method of "AccountService."
When making a request, specify the root MCC account ID in the x-z-base-account-id HTTP header and send the "includeTestAccount" item as "ALL" or "ONLY_TEST."
The following is a sample response. The account displayed as "TRUE" in the "isTestAccount" item in the response is the test account.
"errors": null,
"rval": {
"totalNumEntries": 1,
"values": [
"account": {
"accountId": 999999,
"accountName": "LY Corporation",
"accountStatus": "SERVING",
"accountType": "PREPAY",
"authType": "UPDATABLE",
"autoTaggingEnabled": "FALSE",
"budget": null,
"deliveryStatus": "ACTIVE",
"isTestAccount": "TRUE"
"errors": null,
"operationSucceeded": true