Request Restrictions (QPS)

The maximum number of request restrictions is provided for requests per second (QPS) on Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API by each API service type.
Check the following table for the restrictions by each type.
Requests on Search Ads and Requests on Display Ads are counted separately.

 - Even while ReportDefinitionService exceeds QPS, AccountService etc. can be requested because the type is different.
 - Even if QPS reaches the maximum on AdGroupAdService of Search Ads API, request is available on AdGroupAdService of Display Ads API.

API service type (function group)

Each Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API service is classified into account, ad creation and reporting.
Refer to the Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API References to check which type of service you are using.

TypeRequest Restrictions (QPS)Label of API referenceExample of Services

Search Ads: max. 5/sec
Display Ads: max. 5/sec

Ad creation

Search Ads: max. 5/sec
Display Ads: max. 5/sec

Campaign AdGroupAdService,

Search Ads: max. 1/sec
Display Ads: max. 5/sec

Proposal SearchKeywordIdeaService,

Search Ads: max. 5/sec
Display Ads: max. 5/sec

Report ReportDefinitionService

* If you need to change QPS, please contact us via the QPS form.
* If you can't use the inquiry form, email us.

When exceeding the restrictions

The following error message appears for the case when exceeding the QPS.

-HTTP Status code : 403
-Error code : 0003
-Error message : Frequency limit exceeded. Please try your request again later.

If the error occurred, please wait 30 sec or more and send your request again. Please also consider to decrease the number of requests.