Changes on item names of billing transaction

Document Number: APIE-FY19-2061

Dear customer,

Thank you for using Yahoo! Ads.

Due to the renewal previously announced in "Advertising service renewal
(Document Number: APIE-FY19-2054)," item names of billing transaction
details will change. Please see the following details.

Once again, thank you for using Yahoo! Ads.

1. Product:
 Yahoo! Ads Search Ads
 Yahoo! Ads Display Ads

2. Scheduled date:
 January 8, 2020 (Wed) JST
 * Schedule may change without prior notice.

3. Overview:
 Item names will change as listed. There will be no change for items
 that are not listed below.

 These items are in the "Billing Transaction Detail" on "Reports" of
 the campaign management tool
 [Before / After]
  Click Charges / Ad charge
  Clicks Charge from Other Adjustments / Ad charge from other adjustments
  Max Click Charge, Current Month / Max ad charge for this month
  Clicks Charge from Other Adjustments / Ad charge from other adjustments
  Adjustment - Click Fraud / Adjustments by ad frauds
  Clicks Charge from Click Fraud Adjustments /
   Ad charge from ad-fraud adjustments
  Transferred -Account Balance Adjustment /
   Ad charge adjustments by budget change
  *In addition to this list, the service name will change to "Yahoo! Ads."

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Yahoo! JAPAN API support team