Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v9 release

Document Number: APIE-FY22-2276

Dear customers,

Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.
We will release a new version for Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API. Please see the
following details.
1. Product:
 Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads API
 Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads API

2. Version released:

3. Schedule:
 September 13, 2022 (Tue)
 *This date is subject to change.

4. Changes on Search Ads API:
 ■Ending Extended Text Ads Data Assignment
  We will end adding new ads of Extended Text Ads. In addition, the
  Data Assignment List will no longer be available in Ad Customizer
  that can be used for Extended Text Ads and Dynamic Ads for Search.

  *The end of life date is scheduled for September 28, 2022 (Wed),
  not the release date of v9. See the following release note for more

  [Search Ads] adding features on Responsive Ads for Search and end
  of adding ads of Extended Text Ads

  Along with this change, there will be the following updates.
  ・You can't create ads with EXTENDED_TEXT_AD specified in adType on
   AdGroupAdService (add), only get is available
  ・FeedItemService (add, set, remove, setTrademarkStatus) are not
   available, only get is available
  ・You can't specify AD_CUSTOMIZER for placeholderType on
   FeedService (add, set, remove)

 ■Changing the names of items along with the renewal of the Campaign
 Management Tool

  Along with the renewal of the Campaign Management Tool, we will
  change the names of items related to campaigns and ad groups. The
  services and the names to be changed are as follows.
  *Describing as "Before → After."
  ・Services that will have change

  ・Names to be changed
   biddingStrategyName → portfolioBiddingName
   biddingStrategyId, biddingStrategyIds → portfolioBiddingId,

  ・Services that will have change
  ・Names to be changed

   biddingStrategyId, biddingStrategyIds
   → portfolioBiddingId, portfolioBiddingIds
   → frequentlyRunBetterPerformingAdsMode
   → frequentlyRunBetterPerformingAdsMode.APPLY
   → frequentlyRunBetterPerformingAdsMode.DONT_APPLY 

  ・Services that will have change

  ・Names to be changed

   biddingStrategyId, biddingStrategyIds
   → portfolioBiddingId, portfolioBiddingIds

  In addition, we will change some items and values output to files in
  the following services in all versions.
  ・Services that will have change

  See the following documents for more details.

 ■Adding items that can be specified in CampaignExportService (all
  We will add the following to CampaignExportService
  This change will be implemented in all versions.

 ■Adding corporate number on the views of create and edit ad account
  We will add corporate number on the views of create and edit ad
  *This feature is already available on the Campaign Management Tool.
  See the following release note for more detail.
  [Yahoo! JAPAN Ads] Adding "corporate number" on the views of create
  and edit ad account

  Along with this change, we will add client.corporateNumber to
  AccountManagementService (add).

  *AccountManagementService is a limited function for some customers.

 ■Maintenance release
  ・We will remove items that return the previous format conversion
   tags and site retargeting tags. The services and fields are as

   *This feature is already closed on the Campaign Management Tool.

   - Delete the snippet field of ConversionTrackerService
   - Delete the snippet field of RetargetingListService

  ・We will delete KeywordEstimatorService. Since this will no longer
   be available in all versions, use KeywordForecastMetricsService in
   the future.

5. Changes on Display Ads API:
 ■Targeting using app lists
  We will support targeting using app lists by the Audience Manager.
  It allows you to separate targeting of multiple smartphone apps and
  the management of audience lists will be easier. We will make
  another announcement once details have been decided.
  ・Services that will have change
   AppLinkService *New

 ■Adding corporate number on the views of create and edit ad account
  We will add corporate number on the views of create and edit ad
  *This feature is already available on the Campaign Management Tool.
  See the following release note for more detail.
  [Yahoo! JAPAN Ads] Adding "corporate number" on the views of create
  and edit ad account
  Along with this change, we will add client.corporateNumber to
  AccountManagementService (add).
  *AccountManagementService is a limited function for some customers.

 ■Closing features of Display Ads (Guaranteed) services
  In consideration of usage conditions and other factors, we will
  close the following Display Ads (Guaranteed) services.
  *Display Ads (Guaranteed) services is a limited function for some
  customers. There is no impact to the customers not currently using
  the services.
  ・Services that will have change
  *We are discontinuing the following services.
   GuaranteedCampaignService (set)
   GuaranteedAdGroupService (add, set)
   GuaranteedAdGroupAdService (add,set)
   DictionaryService (getStationPlacementCategory)

 ■Maintenance release
  ・Bid strategy renaming
  In the bid strategy for campaigns and ad groups, we will change
  the method of specifying TargetCPA as follows.
  ・Before v8: Specify TARGET_CPA in Enum and enter targetCpa value
   (no change from previous)
  ・After v9: Specify MAXIMIZE_CONVERSIONS in Enum and then specify
   the item to enter the targetCpa value Value is entered in the
   specified field

   *The operation history is recorded as tCPA.
  In addition, MAXIMIZE_CONVERSIONS will not return past values of
  targetCpa. See the following details.

Campaign's bid strategyValues returned by v9 (current)Values not returned by v9 (past)

Manual bidding and Viewable cost-per-thousand impressions (vCPM)

vcpmBiddingScheme.vcpm cpvBiddingScheme.cpv
Manual bidding and Cost per click (CPC) cpcBiddingScheme.cpc cpvBiddingScheme.cpv
Manual bidding and Cost per video view (CPV) cpvBiddingScheme.cpv vcpmBiddingScheme.vcpm
Autobidding "Maximize conversions" and specify target cost per action (tCPA) maximizeConversionsBiddingScheme.targetCpa vcpmBiddingScheme.vcpm

・Autobidding"Maximize conversions" and not specify target cost per action (tCPA)

・Other bid strategies

None vcpmBiddingScheme.vcpm

  ・Services that will have change

  ・We will remove items that return the previous format conversion
   tags and site retargeting tags. The services and fields are as
   *This feature is already closed on the Campaign Management Tool.
   ・Delete webConversion/snippet[]/tag field of
   ・Delete retargetingTag/tag field of RetargetingTagService

  ・We will change the maximum number of items that CamapignService
   can get.
   Upper limit of campaignIds

   Before v8: 500

   v9: 2000 
   Upper limit of numberResults
   Before v8: 500

   v9: 2000

6. Remarks:
 ・More details will be available on the release note and reference
  document provided on the new version release.
 ・We will hold an online seminar to give an overview of v9 along
  with the release. We will make another announcement for the detail
  of this change.

7. Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v7 Sunset:
 Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v7 sunset is scheduled as follows.
  Support end date: September 13, 2022 (Tue)
  End of life date: February 27, 2023 (Mon)

 Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v6 will also end on the following scheduled
 date as previously announced in "Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API v8 released
 (Document Number: APIE-FY22-2224)." 
  End of life date: September 13, 2022 (Tue)
  *We have ended the user support for this version already.

If you have any questions, please contact us.


Yahoo! JAPAN API support team