Scheduled change of Master Terms and Conditions

Document Number: APIE-FY21-2355

Dear customers,

Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.
We will make some update to the "Master Terms and Conditions." Please
see the following details.

1. Schedule:
 April 1, 2022 (Fri)
 *The date is subject to change.

2. Changes:
 The following terms and conditions will be revised to clarify the
 scope of use of data provided by advertisers including personal
 information, and to change the cancellation policy for Display Ads
 (Guaranteed) accounts.

  - Article 9 Collection of Data by Yahoo! Japan, Paragraph 1
  - Article 12 Termination of Agreement, Paragraph 1, Item 16
  - [EXHIBIT] On Cancellation of Display Ads (Guaranteed) (Article 12,
  Paragraph 3), Paragraph 3

3. Remarks
 The latest contents of Master Terms and Conditions is as follows.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Yahoo! JAPAN API support team