Search Ads New format of Ad Display Options updates

Document Number: MSCE-FY21-2341

Dear customers,

Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

We have decided the release schedule of new ad display options as
previously announced in "Search Ads New format of Ad Display Options
(Document Number: MSCE-FY21-2303)". Please see the following details.

1. Product:
 Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads

2. Overview:
 We will provide a new format of ad display options on Search Ads.

 Following options will change.
 ・Category Text
 ・Call Extensions

 The new format will have following changes.

 ・Supports ad delivery status on/off for each ad display option
  "On" and "Off" setting on the status of ad delivery will become
  available by each ad display option.
  You can turn on the ad delivery status only for the desired duration
  while keeping the setup to the campaign or ad group as it is.
  Your ad management will be more convenient.

 ・Remove the maximum number of ad display options
  The new ad display options will have no maximum limit of creation
  per account. You can create as many as you need.
  *Currently you can create up to 5 million options per account.

  We will also remove the limit on the total number of the setup ad
  display options to accounts and campaigns.
  * The maximum number of setup to individual campaign and ad group
  is 20 options when you turn "on" the status of ad delivery, up to
  2,000 items can be set when the status is "off" even in the new
  *The created new ad display options can't be removed.

 ・Closing features
  Following features will close based on the usage status.
  - Focus device (closing on all ad display options)
  - Schedule (closing on Category Text and Call Extensions)
  - Day of week hours targeting (closing on Category Text)

  Some tracking parameters will have changes.
  Please check the details on the PDF document at the end of this

3. Convert Ad Display Option:
 After the new ad display options become available, we will
 automatically convert existing ad display options by system.
 The automatic integration will start end of May 2022.
 However, when you create even one new ad display option, all ad
 display options under that account will not be subject to automatic
 Please don't create any new ad display options until the process of
 automatic converting completes if you prefer the converting
 automatically by system.

 Also note that the automatic converting does not support converting
 the actual performance on the old ad display options.
 If both of current and new ad display options are associated to the
 same campaign or ad group, the new ad display options will be
 delivered in preference.

 When you don't require the automatic converting due to reasons such
 as rushing to create new ad display options, select the check box of
 "Don't convert all ad display options by system automatically" that
 appears on the list of ad display options on the Campaign Management
 Tool after the new creation support date.

4. Planned schedule:
 Check the following scheduled date for new and old ad display options.
 We will make another announcement once the schedule has been decided.
 These dates are subject to change.

 ・March 2, 2022 
  Provide the feature of creating new ad display options

 ・Mid May, 2022 
  Deadline for refusing automatic converting of old ad display options

 ・Late may to mid June, 2022 
  Convert the old ad display options to new automatically by system
  *Once the process completes, you will receive the notification via
  email and be notified on the information column in the campaign
  list of the Campaign Management Tool.

 ・Early June, 2022
  Stop adding, editing, removing old ad display options

 ・Late June, 2022
  Stop associating old ad display options

 ・Late June, 2022 
  Pause ad delivery with old ad display options

5. Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads API:
 Search Ads API v6 and v7 provide the following services to support
 creating new ad display options
 ・AssetService / add, get, set, setTrademarkStatus
 ・AdGroupAssetService / get, set, replace
 ・CampaignAssetService/ get, set, replace

 We will end the following services that are currently supported.

 ・Early June 2022:
  End add,get,set for the following placeholderType on FeedItemService

 ・Late June, 2022:
  End set on AdGroupFeedService and on CampaignFeedService

6. Remarks:
 ・Even after the feature of creating new ad display options is provided,
  you can create and associate old ad display options.

 ・Please check the details on the PDF document.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Yahoo! JAPAN API support team