Display Ads Audience management feature released

Document Number: APIE-FY21-2282

Dear customers,

Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

We have released the audience management feature on Display Ads as
previously announced in "Display Ads Audience management feature
release (Document Number: APIE-FY21-2268)."
Please see the following details.

1. Product:
 Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads

2. Date:
 November 24, 2021 (Wed)

3. Overview:
 We have started providing an audience management feature to utilize
 client data and audience data of Yahoo! JAPAN without operational
 By using this feature, the management of the audience list (former
 target list) and the management of the audience source (data source)
 are separated, which makes it easier to manage the data.
 We plan to expand the client data source and gradually provide
 features that make it easier to utilize the audience data of Yahoo!
 JAPAN in the future.

4. Changes:
 The following features were added or changed as the first audience
 management feature.
 (1) New "Audience list targeting"
  The "target list" used for site retargeting was renamed to "audience
  list," and "audience list targeting" will be newly established as a
  general term for targeting using the audience list.

  -We will provide the site retargeting feature as one of the audience
  management feature.
  -Along with the renaming, item names on the performance report and
  importing template changed at the same time.

  More details of the tool settings are described on the document.  
  -On the day of our system implementation, an error may occur if you
  edit regular reports containing any reporting items that names
  changed on the Campaign Management Tool. Wait for a while and try

 (2) Changing the audience list type (previous target list type)
  We have added the followings to the list type.
  -Website visitors
  -Customer data

  The following list type names also changed.
   [Before] Similar
   [After] Similar audience

  -The existing list types provided in the target list will continue
  to be available after the name change to the Audience list.
  -After the released date, you can no longer upload linked data files
  when creating a new "custom" audience list.
  Additional file uploads are available by editing the list already
  created. But because the feature is scheduled to discontinued in the
  future, we recommend that you use the "Customer data" audience list
  that has the same feature.

 (3) Audience source view
  We have added the audience source management view to manage data
  source for the audience list.
  You can check the site retargeting tags on the audience source view.

 (4) The automatic creation of default target list ended
  The default target list that was automatically created when the site
  retargeting tag was issued will no longer be created after the
  release date.

  The default target list that you have already created (renamed to
  "Audience list") will continue to be available, but will be
  discontinued in the future.

  For information on how to create a list equivalent to the default
  target list, download the document (PDF). 

5. Changes on Display Ads API:
 Display Ads API will support these change and enhancement on the next

 Note, when you browse the audience list (previous: Target list) by
 RetargetingListService on v5 and older after the release, the newly
 added list type will be displayed as "UNKNOWN".
 To show the new list type, use the next API version that will be
 provided in the near future.
 We will announce the detail and schedule of the next version later.

6. Remarks:
 Download the document to learn more details.

 Learn more about audience list targeting overview and audience list
 on the following help pages.  
  Audience list targeting  
  What is Audience list

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Yahoo! JAPAN API support team