About delivering ads related to COVID-19

Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.
We do not approve inappropriate ads that take advantage of fears surrounding spread of COVID-19.
See the following information for details.

Disapproved contents:
- Misleading products or services that can "prevent" or "treat" COVID-19
- Products or services that exploit the spread of COVID-19 to gain profits
- Ads that cause a sense of fear or anxiety excessively
- Resale of products that is restricted by the government
* In addition to the preceding rules, ads that we consider inappropriate will not be delivered.

- A supplement that claims "Boost immunity against COVID-19"
- A financial instrument that states "Gain more profit while COVID-19 spreads"
- An information for sale that provides many unfounded information and unnecessarily arouse fear, and induce purchases.
- A website to resell masks and disinfectants