Changes of Cost-Per-Views campaign of Display Ads completed

Document Number: APIE-FY20-2002

Dear customer,

Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

As previously announced in "Changes of Cost-Per-Views campaign of Display
Ads (Document Number: APIE-FY19-2098)", changes were made on budget and
bid of cost-per-views campaign of Display Ads. Please see the following

Once again, thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

1. Product:
 Display Ads

2. Effective date:
 April 8, 2020 (Wed)

3. Overview:
 The range of campaign budget and bid amount for CPV campaigns of Display
 Ads changed as follows.
 3-1. Display Ads (YDN)
 [Ad distribution type to be changed]
  - Video ads
  - PC Brand Panel (Video)

  - The lower limit of campaign daily budget was updated.
   (Before) 100 JPY
   (After) 1,000 JPY

  - An amount that exceeds campaign daily budget became unavailable for
  bid amount of ad/ad group with ad distribution type mentioned above.
  Note that this limitation won't be applied to a campaign without
  setting of campaign daily budget.
 3-2. Display Ads (Auction)
 [Campaign goal to be changed]
  - Video view

  - The lower limit of daily budget was updated.
   (Before) 100 JPY
   (After) 1,000 JPY

  - An amount that exceeds daily budget will become unavailable for bid
  amount of ad group/campaign with the campaign goal mentioned above.
4. Remarks:
 Campaigns that have been already created on account will be continuously
 available after the date.
 However, if you edit an existing campaign it may not be saved because of
 the changed limitation. Please make sure of the setting when editing
 campaign setting.
If you have any questions, please contact us.

Yahoo! JAPAN API support team